Thursday, August 6, 2015

The field of Adams


The Field Of Adams

Good evening readers I wanted to stop by and tell you guys and gals about a dream that I had.
It's funny I can remember certain dreams but not others . However for this post you are in for a treat because I remember the entire thing so let's began. First allow me to do my CLAIMER. I am a Christian I believe in the entire Holy Bible. I believe in the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and these Three are One (1 John 5: 7-8). The dream that I'm about to let you in on is involving my belief and my relationship with God so here it is. I was walking in a field. The field grass was very long, healthy and green. The grass of the field was short enough that I could see but long enough that it came to my knees. On each side of the field was a forest of trees, the trees were healthy tall and green. Even though the tree trunk was tall, the trees were not missing any branches or leaves. The lush field was the only path through the trees. There was light but no Sun the light was shining so bright that it gave off light to the bright blue sky that had some clouds although it was not cloudy. The light also shined on the trees and the grass in the field. There was also a breeze the breeze was gentle enough to be felt and strong enough to be seen. The breeze was blowing the field of tall grass that I was walking in and right beside me holding my hand was God he was walking with me and talking to me. I couldn't see his face at all he was a very tall compared to me or most humans and he wore a white robe. The robe was so white it looked like very fine diamonds was knitted in his garment. I felt so much at peace and happy I wasn't hot, nor tired. I wasn't scared nor did I care why I was in a field in the middle of no where. All of a sudden my  angle of vision changed suddenly I had a bird's eye view of the entire scene from this angle I was allowed to see what was in the trees they were men all sleeping like Adam did in the Garden of Eden. I just saw men high up in the trees no one could get to them and they seem to be resting unbothered by the breeze. I didn't see every man face but I knew they were men because I saw their legs and bodies. When it came to this one particular tree it was a guy that I seen before. I personally don't know this guy but this guy exist in real life he was the only clear image of a guy I could see. However he was so far up in the tree that I wouldn't be able to get to him if I tried even though I didn't try I was to busy walking with God. Anyway me and God continued to walk in the field pass the trees that's when I woke up.

My Thoughts on the dream

I did not consult God on what the dream actually meant. In fact even as I am typing this out I still have not asked him about it but this is what I gathered. The big guy holding my hand talking and walking with me is obviously God. The light that eliminated the sky, trees, and field is Jesus the breeze is the Holy Spirit. The guy that I clearly saw resting and sleeping in the tree represents my heart's desire to be one day married to have my Adam. I not only believe that Jesus represented the light I believed he represented the field that was craved out between the two forest not only making it a field but a path that lead straight to his light. John 14: 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." This dream to me has multiple meanings the one meaning that sticks out the most is Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." God and I walking together alone is God's will he desires an intimate relationship with me in his fellowship I would find peace, rest comfort and all of my needs will be met in his presence alone. The grass being extra tall represents  my Christian walk. If anyone has ever walked or ran on the beach in the sand you know its not easy. Neither is it easy walking through talk grass. For one you can't see whats in the grass. Two most likely the terrain is going to be rocky and uneven. Three which is the most obvious you have to keep an eye out for snakes and other pest living in tall grass, however in my dream not a serpent or an ant could be found nor a fly or mosquito. The beautiful thing is my eyes were on God and I was enjoying our walk together. 

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