Monday, February 10, 2014

Love once lost

When I get weak and start to think of you I try to relax and remember Romans 8:28 "And we know all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." I try to understand that its no one's fault but pure destiny that drove us apart. I try and I try to tell and convince myself over and over again this is what's best. I fell deep, your temple was my temple my temple was yours and yet still we remain a house divided. I was so angry at myself I was so convince that I let the right one get away, right into the arms of another. Oh but when I get weak I mourned after a love lost like a mother giving birth. In those deathful moment I lost all hope. I wish and prayed for you to come back to me I plead to my father. "father can you please allow him to come back to me "and he gentle says to me "my child no just let it be." I search and search the word for some consolation but nothing I did nor read gave me peace. So I protest FATHER! TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME! I desire your love, your peace, forgive me for not honoring you, forgive for not asking you first, forgive me for not being obedient and forgive me for not trusting you. His word says in our weakness he is strong and his grace is sufficient for me so I pray and pray and eventually i am greeted with perfect peace, a peace of mind, a sense of self and with the reality that I'm not the only one that has grieved from a love once lost.
P.S I hope this helps someone  after a break up you feel sad and depressed especially when it wasn't an amicable break up have faith my friend there is hope at the end of the tunneled.

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