Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer haul Nyx swatches



NXY PEARL from left to right
Grass pearl, Oro pearl, Lime pearl, Rust pearl, Very Pink pearl, Liac pearl, Fanta pearl, Space pearl


I also purchase four nxy eye shadows from left to right [ Sensual, Rust, Spring Flower, Exotic Green]

To see what else  I got for my summer haul please check out my youtube channel youtube/airmanjones18 for Part 1 & Part 2 of my summer haul. There also will be more to come so stick around.
xoxoxo femininebeauti

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just how im feeling today

   Hi guys um this is just a good rant of how I’m feeling today forgive me cause my grammar nor my punition is going to be correct just because I’m saying what’s on my mind and how I’m feeling. Today was a mix day for me because i had a good day overall but at the same time i for those who don’t know i am celibate since (proclaim) the top of the year and i am trying to practice Romans 12:1-3 well the mix or the not so good part comes in because i have been feeling so convicted i have been allowing not so innocent thoughts to consume me to think the inevitable. I know you guys are like well what’s the big freaken deal? The big deal is I have been mentally happy since I did this it has tooken a load off of me. I don’t have to think about a lot of things that use to wreck my brain. For instance it use to be oh do I look fat? Does he really care about me? Why am I doing this? Even though I have not been with a lot of ppl sex was just becoming a thing that was making me hard (like a guy) as far as emotions I would find myself not wanting anything to do with the man that I was intimate with and I would get what I wanted and leave and he would never hear from me again and so I decided that maybe deep down inside that wasn’t what I wanted I didn’t want my view of true intimacy ruin so I decided to keep it lock for a year well its six months into that year and I am hitting some bumps in the road.  There is this guy that I am really liking and here it is he don’t want to compromise on intimacy (smh) and I am having a real tough time coping with this so I have been letting my thoughts wonder about how it would really be and that has took a negative effect on things cause I just feel that is just too early to even be thinking about that. It’s really wearing me down on the spiritual side cause Romans 12: 1 says “present yourself a living sacrifice" and I just feel if I’m off in la la land how  am I doing that. I mean I know I’m human but it still is bothersome any who this is just my thoughts guys until next time

Sunday, June 12, 2011

makeup vanity and storage ideas

This video is very special to me cause its the very first video that has made my blog i gotta start writting more on my blog this is such a stress reliever
xoxoxo femininebeauti

The Art of Dance (bachata)

Hi Ladies and Gents
   Today was a random but fun day I hung out at the house with my Aunt Gloria and watch videos all day.
and at  the end of the day I started searching YouTube and when I did I typed in "am i dreaming" by Kat De-Luna and there was a line that said "Got my heart up in this dance what a beautiful man dance Batchata as we rock on the set" and i entered Batchata in the search bar on YouTube and i watched these people dance this beautiful and sex dance. I was like i got to try it and so i found a dance studio to learn how to Batchata when i go to my first class i will keep you posted but this is going to be added on to my list of new hobbies right a long with blogging and YouTube lol. Until next time guys be safe and God bless

xoxoxo Femininebeauti

Monday, January 17, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy new year

Hi everyone im sorry that its tooken me so long to get a blog up but here i am i just wanna say happy new year and that i will be blogging about beauty music culture life shopping relationships travel and things that i love so stay tune and be safe