Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Heart for Marriage single for Christ

I am a single woman. I am also a Christian. Often times I find that I am very displeased in the love department when it comes to having relationships with a natural man. Now I am going to be painfully honest with you sometimes I feel that God doesn't work in the love area or that he works in it for a few people. (whew that was really hard to say) I mean I really hate waiting on the right one God has for me. Now don't get me wrong I know that God has prefect timing and I know that I definitely have some wrinkles in my life that need a strong starch and press to remove them but I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. I found my main struggle is the not knowing and having to trust God. I get so frustrated with wanting to get my relationship with God right that I often times give up. I mean I read all the books I've tried to practice the Jesus is my husband lifestyle and its hard. Now right now in my current lifestyle I am in no way ready for marriage I live at home with my mom, my car is broken down, i got minor debt that I am currently paying off and I hate doing laundry even worst I never make it to church on time. Ha! Now you know I'm going to be single for a long time but how do I begin to get into a place where I am happy with Christ and I? I really thirst after God but ill be honest my relationship has hit a bump in the road. I'm tired of going through the motions I just want it to be right already. I just conclude that maybe marriage isn't where its at for me right now but then again this is how I always feel so until I can pull it together I will still feel this way.